Autoline After Hours Tonight with Sheila Ronis, Defense and Automotive Expert

Tonight we welcome Sheila Ronis, a defense and automotive expert who will discuss the role the car companies play in military matters. In particular we’ll ask why the Pentagon was staunchly against letting GM and Chrysler fold, and why the Pentagon believes that would have placed the United States at a strategic disadvantage. And, we’ll definitely be getting into the news of the week as Ford finally announces it will kill off the Mercury brand. Plus, has the BP oil disaster brought us to a petroleum tipping point in which we say goodbye to fossil fuels? Conversely, many are saying Carlos Ghosn is overly optimistic in his prediction that Nissan will sell 500,000 EVs by the end of 2012. John McElroy’s in studio with Peter De Lorenzo, the Autoextremist, and David Welch from Bloomberg BusinessWeek.

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RoundAboutShow #36 The “Psy-Car-Logy” Episode

“Why don’t you pull into my garage and tell me how that makes you feel?”  Join the RoundAbout crew this week for another wild, wacky and mildly off-putting episode of the most God-damn stupendous podcast ever.  This week we delve into the frightening inner workings of the human mind with the “Psy-Car-Logy” episode.  On the docket: those crazy Dutch make bizarre concessions to panic-stricken people taking their driving test.  “Isn’t that weird?”  A thief admits that stealing cars is a better high than meth.  Who knew?  And do airbags cause more harm than good?  All that and more, plus Volvo has an embarrassing mishap during a safety demonstration which we discuss in our “Stupid Car Trick” segment.  So skip your meds, restrain yourself or just do what the voices in your head have been whispering all along, listen to this week’s installment of RoundAbout, the “Psy-Car-Logy” episode, but don’t take my word for it.

Play RoundAbout Episode 36

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Featuring: Eric Trytko, Jeffrey Ross, Michelle Naranjo, Craig Cole and Ben Sanders

RoundAbout records LIVE on Fridays at 6PM ET/3PM PT. Visit and click Watch Live to watch our webcast and look in on all the antics.

Autoline After Hours Tonight with Jason Vines

Tonight it’s the man, the legend: Jason Vines, our old AAH friend and colleague. Mr. Vines joins the panel to discuss the news of the week including GM’s big marketing switcheroo back to the formally-ousted Campbell-Ewald. Also, Bob Lutz gets his send-off from GM as he finally retires and digs in to his tell-all book about GM. Plus, is the U.S. in danger of losing its Biofuel industry? The loss of a tax credit could mean the beginning of the end for ethanol in America. John McElroy‘s in studio with Peter De Lorenzo, the Autoextremist, and David Welch from Bloomberg BusinessWeek.

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Autoline After Hours Tonight with Author Mark Ragsdale

Tonight we welcome the author of the book “Car Wreck,” Mark Ragsdale, a former dealership owner and operator that says the U.S. auto industry took the American public for a ride. And, according to Ragsdale, you should never buy a new car again unless you can pay cash; he’ll tell us why. And of course, we’ll get into the news of the week. John McElroy’s in studio with Peter De Lorenzo, the Autoextremist, and David Welch from Bloomberg BusinessWeek.

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Steve Parish Laps The North West 200

This weekend is a return of one of the great races in the “Real Roads Racing” of of the Irish National Series, the North West 200.  Weather is often a factor for the race on this 9 mile long course where speeds will top over 200 MPH.

Former Grand Prix racer and now BBC commentator Steve Parish takes a lap around the circuit with both an onboard camera and overhead helocopter shots to show you around.

RoundAboutShow #34 The “Love” Episode

Pucker up for this week’s installment of RoundAbout, the “Love” episode.  Join the usual suspects PLUS Colin Bird of the Auto Bird Blog as they square off for a lively, and in this case, long-winded discussion about an array of automotive topics and news tidbits.  What are some of the signs the honeymoon is over with your new vehicle?  Listen in to find out.  Saudi Arabia loosens certain restrictions on men and women traveling together in the same car.  How salacious!  Going against the grain, one supplier company believes that manual transmissions will be making a comeback.  The ultimate automotive fanboy gets an unbelievably elaborate headstone modeled after an ultimate driving machine when he pulls into the big parking lot in the sky.  All that and more, plus we talk about the Cadillac CTS-V In The Garage and we look for a correlation between how fast men drive and the size of their exhaust pipes, if you catch my drift, with another edition of Psy-Car-logy.  Get some protection!  It’s time for RoundAbout # 34, the “Love” episode. 

Play RoundAbout Episode 34

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Featuring: Colin Bird, Jeffrey Ross, Michelle Naranjo, Zach Bowman, Eric Trytko, Craig Cole and Ben Sanders

RoundAbout records LIVE on Fridays at 6PM ET/3PM PT. Visit and click Watch Live to watch our webcast and look in on all the antics.

Autoline After Hours Tonight with Chantel Lenard, Ford

Tonight we welcome Chantel Lenard, Ford’s Group Marketing Manager for Global Small and Midsize Cars. We’ll be asking her about the challenges ahead as the Ford Fiesta launches this summer. For instance, what will the company be doing to train its dealers, and how can it prevent the Focus from cannibalizing Fiesta sales? Also, how do cars have to be marketed differently around the globe? Of course we’ll also get into the news of the week including the ousting of Susan Docherty as GM’s head of marketing. Plus, we’ll find out what Mr. De Lorenzo thinks about Chevy’s new tagline. And, our analysis of April sales indicates Chrysler could be on the way back up, but not everyone agrees. John McElroy‘s in studio with Peter De Lorenzo, the Autoextremist, as well as David Welch from BusinessWeek and Bloomberg News.

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RoundAboutShow #33 The “Life After Death” Episode

This week on RoundAbout the gang dives into a selection of spooky and macabre news stories in the “Life After Death” episode.  A Puerto Rican motorcyclist gets a creepy sendoff atop his beloved two-wheeled machine.  Chrysler tries to resuscitate its moribund Sebring with a last-minute name change, but little does the company know, the Grim Reaper cannot be cheated.  “Dr. Death’s” vintage Volkswagen van goes up for sale, but some people (cough – eBay – cough) have no sense of humor.  In the Garage is devoted to the 2011 Ford Fiesta now that the embargo has finally lifted.  All that and more, plus we break ground with a brand-new segment called Unsolicited Advice where we help people in the market for a new – or not so new – vehicle find the one that’s best for them.  Just like $0.10 wing night at your favorite dive bar you do not want to miss out on this week’s exhilarating installment of RoundAbout, the “Life After Death” episode. 

Play RoundAbout Episode 33

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Featuring: Jessica Gottlieb, Jack Baruth, Jeffrey Ross, Michelle Naranjo, Zach Bowman, Eric Trytko, Craig Cole and Ben Sanders