Whether you’ve washed your hair with soap because you ran out of shampoo, built a canoe out of drywall or even resorted to eating haggis, we’ve all had to make do at one point or another. Join the RoundAbout gang this week as they barely scrape by in the 38th installment of the show. If you’ve ever wanted to own a thoroughbred sports car but just don’t have the means, listen in to learn about a pedal-powered Porsche replica that’s built out of crap you’re guaranteed to have lying around the house. Talk about making do with what you’ve got! In similar fashion, a group of Chinese students built a replica Bugatti Veyron out of … wait for it … cigarette packs! Learn about the hilarious vanity license plate that one tree-loving arborist wanted to snag for his ride. Too bad the Michigan Secretary of State said “no plate for you!” Now he has to make do with something else. Enjoy all that and a whole lot … well, some more on this week’s awe-inspiring episode of RoundAbout, #38, the “Scraping By” episode.
Play RoundAbout Episode 38
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Featuring: Zach Bowman, Jeffrey Ross, Michelle Naranjo, Craig Cole and Ben Sanders
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