Every year on New Year’s Day we wake up in a pool of what we hope is our own vomit. Staggering to our feet, we search for our pants, a shred of dignity and a cohesive, Zen-like theme. In the process we also uncover a host of stories and news bites to fit that theme, however hungover or dehydrated they may be. And whatever’s leftover, well, we talk about it anyway because it’s 2010!
Besides the obvious, like more ridiculous airport security hoops to jump through and enviro-nazis wailing about carbon and polar bears, what’s in store for the New Year? Well, this week the RoundAbout crew plays prophet and tries to shed a little light on 2010. The group reaches consensus on some of their predictions, but the automotive oracles are divided on other points – like Chrysler. Even with imported new leadership, will the beleaguered automaker be able to pull through? Has the new century smell worn off already after just one decade? Find out on this week’s installment of RoundAbout!
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