Two Wheel Tuesday

Don’t book this one as permanent feature, though I think it will be, but going forward I think we will try to feature some older two wheeled action that sticks out at us.

For the first installment we will head to Ireland, circa 1989 where we see a TZ250 do battle with an RC30 Honda and a RGV500.  If you were a fan of the original Formula USA series, a real “run what you brung” series where 500GP bikes went up against GSXR 1100’s running on methanol to Turbocharged CBR900RR’s then you’ll love this. The great Chris Carter is the lead announcer.  Thanks to Graham over on the COMPoST list for finding these!



Welcome Back

From August of 2000 till the middle of 2003 was one of the top sites on the internet for news and commentary about motorcycle roadracing.  Due to a number of issues, mostly financial, the site had to be shut down, but that dream never died.

In March of 2006 the site was re-imagined as, now one of the leading podcasts about motorcycle racing and the industry in the world.  However, the thought of bringing back has always been a strong one.  The question has always been, what will it be.

Even now, I’m not 100% sure what it’s makeup will be, other than it will be mostly a video based platform.  Originally the vision was to be a twice weekly show with some quick hits for news about the motorcycle industry, but the more I thought about it I felt that the focus was to narrow.

What I think this will be is my platform to talk about the world of cars and motorcyles, and what I see as the important issues of the day.  I’m also hoping to add reviews of cars and motorcycles to the site both written and in video format, that is an ongoing discussion with many of the manufactures both two and four wheeled.

So, sit back and hold on as we are about ready to go for a ride.  The site is new, the mission is new, but the attitude is the same, the old tag line is back, “If you aren’t living on the edge, you’re taking up to much space!”