This week on RoundAbout the gang dives into a selection of spooky and macabre news stories in the “Life After Death” episode. A Puerto Rican motorcyclist gets a creepy sendoff atop his beloved two-wheeled machine. Chrysler tries to resuscitate its moribund Sebring with a last-minute name change, but little does the company know, the Grim Reaper cannot be cheated. “Dr. Death’s” vintage Volkswagen van goes up for sale, but some people (cough – eBay – cough) have no sense of humor. In the Garage is devoted to the 2011 Ford Fiesta now that the embargo has finally lifted. All that and more, plus we break ground with a brand-new segment called Unsolicited Advice where we help people in the market for a new – or not so new – vehicle find the one that’s best for them. Just like $0.10 wing night at your favorite dive bar you do not want to miss out on this week’s exhilarating installment of RoundAbout, the “Life After Death” episode.
Play RoundAbout Episode 33
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Featuring: Jessica Gottlieb, Jack Baruth, Jeffrey Ross, Michelle Naranjo, Zach Bowman, Eric Trytko, Craig Cole and Ben Sanders