Autoline After Hours Tonight with Russ Clark, Chevrolet Product Marketing Director

This week we get the skinny on some of Chevrolet‘s upcoming products as we talk to Russ Clark, the Product Marketing Director for the brand. In particular we’ll be asking him about the next-gen Malibu and the Chevy Sonic, but we’ll also be asking him about the news that the redesigned Impala will be built in Detroit alongside the Volt and Malibu. John McElroy and the AutoextremistPeter De Lorenzo, will also be talking about the upcoming Indy 500 weekend, which marks the 100th anniversary of the race. They’ll be talking about the four women who will be running on Sunday and how some of the big teams choked in qualification. John will also be joined in studio by Todd Lassa from Motor Trend.

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King Kenny Rides The TZ750 Again

For this years MotoGP weekend at Indy, I truely think that more people came to see and were more excited about seeing Kenny Roberts ride the bike that “They don’t pay me enough money to ride”.  This is a nice bit put together by Dunlop, though I wish they would have had more video of Kenny at speed in the corners on the beast.