If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up to much space!
Back in 2009 the Ford Flex was the first car we reviewed when we rebooted the blog, now three and a half years later, Ford has refreshed the Flex and we want to see how far it has come. When we reviewed back in ’09 we were blown away by how good it was, does it still remain that way? And, can we explain why such a great Crossover hasn’t had mainstream acceptance. Watch the video to find out.
Back in March when we had the Ford Flex in for review, out major issue with it was it’s lack of power, and stated at the time that the EcoBoost motor would probably answer that. Well, yesterday, we had a chance to try it out. Thanks to the Mark and Joe at the Movement Design Bureau we attended Ford’s 2010 Model Year Event. There, we had an opportunity to drive the EcoBoost Flex on the high speed track at the Dearborn test track. Here is the video of that.