Autoline After Hours Tonight with Walter McManus, University of Michigan

Tonight we welcome Walter McManus, an economist at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute and Director of the Automotive Analysis Group. He’ll be joining us to discuss the news as well as talk about CAFE standards and some recent hybrid studies his organization has been performing. John McElroy’s in studio with David Welch from BusinessWeek and Bloomberg News as well as Scott Burgess from the Detroit News who’s filling in while Peter De Lorenzo is on the road.

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Autoline After Hours Tonight with Larry Erickson, Transportation Design Chair, CCS

Tonight we hit a milestone. 50 episodes of “unscripted, unapproved, unusually frank discussion” from Autoline After Hours. We, and the auto industry, have come a long way in the last year, and tonight we’ll spend a little time looking back–at the good and the bad. But, we’ll also be looking forward as we welcome our guest, Larry Erickson, the Chair of Transportation Design for the College of Creative Studies in Detroit. You’ll be surprised to learn just how many top car designers have come out of that school, and we’ll be asking Larry where the future of automotive design is going. John McElroy’s in studio with Peter De Lorenzo, the Autoextremist, as well as David Welch from BusinessWeek and Bloomberg News.

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Autoline After Hours Tonight w/ Frank Markus, Motor Trend and Tom Walsh, Detroit Free Press

Tonight it’s a good old fashioned journalists’ roundtable as we discuss the news of the week. Trial attorneys are ramping up their campaign against Toyota. Honda says joint ventures don’t work out, but clearly Renault and Daimler don’t agree as they get ready to collaborate. GM’s EN-V promises to be the future of city transportation, but can it possibly be more than another Segway? John McElroy‘s in studio with the Autoextremist, Peter De Lorenzo, and they welcome two other esteemed automotive colleagues on the program: Frank Markus of Motor Trend and Tom Walsh of the Detroit Free Press.

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Autoline After Hours With John Krafcik of Hyundai

Tonight we talk with the man who’s running the little car company that could: Hyundai. John Krafcik, President and CEO of Hyundai Motor America, sits down with the AAH crew to discuss the Korean company’s philosophy, and how that thinking has brought it recent success. Mr. Krafcik will also answer your questions about the future of the company and how it will keep from becoming the next Toyota. All that and we discuss the news of the week and answer your pressing Rapid Fire questions. John McElroy’s in studio with the Autoextremist, Peter De Lorenzo, and they welcome After Hours newcomer Stephanie Brinley from AutoPacific.

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Autoline After Hours With Jason Vines

Tonight the old crew is back together to do a deep dive into the news of the week, and Jason Vines, that outspoken PR veteran that we love, is back to give his two cents. Toyota Priuses are seemingly going haywire left and right, and we wonder: isn’t this a little too convenient? Plus, with Bryan Nesbitt out of the driver’s seat, Cadillac moves to distance itself from GM. All that and much more including your questions in our Rapid Fire segment. John McElroy’s in studio as usual as well as David Welch of BusinessWeek and Bloomberg and Peter De Lorenzo, the Autoextremist.

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Autoline After Hours With Sharon Silke Carty Of USA Today

Tonight we talk about all the latest, tumultuous news to come out of the automotive world as we welcome Sharon Silke Carty, the Detroit Bureau Chief for USA TODAY. This week Big Ed shakes up the entire GM management structure after dismal February sales, and Bob Lutz announces he will retire in May. Toyota’s woes continue as they issue new recalls, but has human error been addressed sufficiently or at all? John McElroy’s in studio as usual as well as David Welch of BusinessWeek and Bloomberg and Peter De Lorenzo, the Autoextremist.

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Autoline After Hours w/ Bob Boniface, GM Designer

Tonight we talk the future of car design with Bob Boniface, Director of Crossover Exterior Design and Global Electric Vehicle Design. Bob was the design director on the Chevy Camaro concept, but most recently his work can be found on the forthcoming Volt. We’ll be asking how designing an electric vehicle is different from an internal combustion vehicle and whether cars should be designed with a global audience in mind. 
We’ll be getting into those issues, plus a discussion of this week’s news including the Toyota hearings and Fritz Henderson’s reappointment at GM. John McElroy’s in studio as usual as well as David Welch of BusinessWeek and Bloomberg and Peter De Lorenzo, the Autoextremist.

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Autoline After Hours Tonight w/ Bob Larivee, Jr of AutoRama

Tonight we talk hot rods as we invite a special guest on the show, Bob Larivee, Jr., the owner of the traveling AutoRama exhibition. Are baby boomers going to lose their shirts over the investments they’ve made into classic cars? What are the newest trends in customization? Which of today’s cars will be the future collectibles?

We’ll be getting into those issues, plus a discussion of this week’s news. John McElroy’s in studio as usual as well as David Welch of BusinessWeek and Bloomberg and Peter De Lorenzo, the Autoextremist.

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Autoline After Hours

t seems like the bad news just doesn’t stop for Toyota these days. Millions of vehicles have been recalled, with perhaps, more to come, tarnishing the auto giant’s record of high-quality workmanship. Now, members of Congress are calling for Akio Toyoda to testify stateside. To discuss the delicate art of Crisis Management on this week’s show, and what Toyota could have done better, we’re summoning an old friend for a deposition before our panel.

Jason Vines was at the helm of Ford Public Relations when the Explorer rollover crisis occurred in the 1990s. We’ll ask how a company can effectively diffuse a PR bomb and keep the situation from spiraling out of control. John McElroy’s onboard as usual as well as David Welch of BusinessWeek and Bloomberg and Peter De Lorenzo, the Autoextremist.

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Autoline After Hours Jamie Allison, Dir., Ford North America Motorsports

As the racing season gets ready to begin, the After Hours crew thought it would be appropriate to welcome the new director of Ford North America Motorsports on the show. Jamie Allison has worked for the Ford Motor Co. for 22 years in engineering, marketing, as well as Ford racing, but this month he was named to the top spot. We’re eager to ask him what he thinks NASCAR needs to do to become more technologically relevant to the auto industry. Also, how can racing help sell the new reality of premium small cars in America? John McElroy will be here for the discussion as well as David Welch of BusinessWeek and Bloomberg and Peter De Lorenzo, the Autoextremist.

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