Reviewed: 2012 Audi A6

You often find that cars the automotive media hype endlessly, never live up to that billing.  Few cars in the last two or three years have been hyped as much as the Audi A6, and, while the car has been out for almost a year now, and few bad things have been said about it to date.  We had the new A6 come in for testing recently and had the opportunity recently to findout for ourselves just how good this car could be.  Have a watch, and enjoy!

Here is the full range of pictures that we shot fo the car.

Reviewed: 2012 Kia Optima Turbo

Ten months ago when we had the non-Turbo version of the Optima in for review, we declared it the best sedan on the market for under $30,000.  With the Turbo model we wanted to see if it could be even better.  So here on Rumblestrip.NET we are taking a look at the 2012 Kia Optima Turbo.

Reviewed: 2011 Ford Edge

Rumblestrip.NET had a chance to spend a week with the refreshed 2011 Ford Edge.  This Crossover is a keystone in Ford’s lineup, and we wanted to see if Ford could take this from just another Crossover to something that would stand out against the rest.

Ford has been on a huge roll these past couple years, will this newly sharpened Edge continue the trend?  Find out in our video review.